We’re on a mission to bring humanity back into homes by putting you back in the process.

For us, visiting our grandparents’ homes meant entering a special world.

They were full of things that meant something — homemade, precious, inherited or just things they loved. It was always evident that their homes were uniquely theirs, transcending trends.

Anyone can scan Instagram for the latest trends, but we want to help you find and understand your unique design style and help bridge your building knowledge gaps to make your projects enjoyable and exciting.

We believe homes should be filled with the people you love, the things that make you happy and be functional for your current and future needs.

Future-proofing for our biggest home — the earth.

The future of design should also work towards the future of the planet, which is why we’ve embarked on b-corp certification for our business.

This means we’ll continually assess our social and environmental impact, including what we use and recommend to you. Watch this space.

Download our Social and Sustainability Strategy

Keen to run our experienced eyes over your build, reno or decoration project?